Nourishing the Womb: Fertility
Learn about the phases of your cycle, nutrition to nourish your womb and common supplements to support a healthy pregnancy. These include different approaches for common and not so common diagnoses associated with challenges in conception. Be guided in practices to support pelvic health, nervous system regulation, and an embodied connection with your heart and womb.
Lesson 1: Food as Medicine: East & West
Indigenous cultures all over the world often had specific nutritional practices for women of child baring age. Learn how to eat as your ancestors did. Come to understand how to prepare your body from a Traditional Chinese Medical perspective for a healthy pregnancy. Learn modern day considerations especially in regards to autoimmune related fertility challenges.
Indigenous cultures all over the world often had specific nutritional practices for women of child baring age. Learn how to eat as your ancestors did. Come to understand how to prepare your body from a Traditional Chinese Medical perspective for a healthy pregnancy. Learn modern day considerations especially in regards to autoimmune related fertility challenges.
Lesson 2: Supplements
What supplements may be beneficial for women over 35?What if you have PCOS or endometriosis, or MTHFR gene mutation? What about antioxidants? Should you take melatonin? Review many commonly suggested supplements for women preparing for pregnancy, what situations they are best for, and research supported dosaging.
What supplements may be beneficial for women over 35?What if you have PCOS or endometriosis, or MTHFR gene mutation? What about antioxidants? Should you take melatonin? Review many commonly suggested supplements for women preparing for pregnancy, what situations they are best for, and research supported dosaging.
Lesson 1: The Phases of Your Cycle
The menstrual cycle is so influential in a woman’s experience of life, and yet many women understand very little about it. Start to understand the different phases of your menstrual cycle, what is happening in your body, why it impacts your energy levels and emotions, and how to build a lifestyle that works with the fluctuations of your body, rather than against them.
The menstrual cycle is so influential in a woman’s experience of life, and yet many women understand very little about it. Start to understand the different phases of your menstrual cycle, what is happening in your body, why it impacts your energy levels and emotions, and how to build a lifestyle that works with the fluctuations of your body, rather than against them.
Lesson 2: Your Cycle as a Source of Creation
Our menstrual cycles mirror universal cycles of creation that involve periods of stillness, expansion, reflection & release, and new growth. Learning to work with this natural flow that happens naturally in your body can be a source of healing, realizing your true desires, and creating a fulfilling life of meaning.
Our menstrual cycles mirror universal cycles of creation that involve periods of stillness, expansion, reflection & release, and new growth. Learning to work with this natural flow that happens naturally in your body can be a source of healing, realizing your true desires, and creating a fulfilling life of meaning.
At home support
Learn all the healthy lifestyle tools and techniques that your healthcare practitioner many not have time to go over with you in your appointments.
Review the materials as many times as you need to.
Have access to a list of resources including where to source products for your nourishing practices.